Thursday, 18 December 2014

Anxiety: How To Deal With a Panic Attack ?!

Hello ! As you may have assumed from the title today's post is a different one and not one about hair, makeup or skincare etc. however it is a post that I feel is needed and one that I really hope can help somebody by giving them some ideas on how they can cope with a panic attack.

Obviously every body is different so not everything that I find helpful will work but maybe one idea could work for you.

I am in no way an expert in anxiety or anything but I am just trying to give some advice to people who suffer from anxiety or indeed are just curious and want to understand. I will leave some useful links at the end of this post hope you all enjoy !

So the first time I had a panic attack I was in a social situation and I felt overwhelmingly warm, my chest started to tighten and hurt a lot and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I did not know what it was and it was honestly one of the scariest things I have ever felt. I became more panicked because I did not know what was happening, I felt extremely dizzy because obviously there was a lack of oxygen going to my brain because my breathing was shallow. It did honestly feel like I was going to die but of course I didn't and after a few hours of that horrible experience I was calmer and able to go to bed .
Even after I had that panic attack I still didn't know that that was what it was until I had another one a few weeks later and the doctor told me.
Even then I was extremely confused as to how my mind could cause me to feel such severe symptoms.
If you have never experienced an anxiety attack this may all be very hard to understand.
I have had many panic attacks since then and the best thing that I could do was to learn some techniques on how I could try and control them or at least how to cope with them.

The first thing I learnt to do what BREATHE, this is honestly so important. It can be so hard when you are in that situation but trying to control your breathing will really help because if you can manage your breathing and get it back to a steady rate well then your brain will not be starved of oxygen and you wont get light headed. A technique that I learnt is to :

1: Close your eyes (if possible)
2: place your palms flat on to your lap
3:Try to take a deep breathe in for 4 seconds ( through your nose if possible)
4:Hold that breathe for 3 seconds
5:Release the breathe through your mouth for 6 seconds
6:Repeat for as long as necessary

I also find that paper bags can be useful to help control your breathing so I always carry one in my bag.

If it is possible to get away from the situation that is making you anxious remove yourself straight away this can reduce the feeling that you are at risk and in turn calm you down.

If you can try and have somebody with you who you trust, this is obviously not always possible but if it is I find that it helps me cope better it reassures me a little bit more and when you are that venerable it helps to have  all the reassurance you can get.

Immediately after a panic attack I feel really tired, really guilty and really just horrible and I feel like I'm not normal so I tend to listen to music that I like or do meditation or yoga or sometimes I just want to sleep because it takes that much out of you, you can feel both physically and mentally drained !

The most important thing to remember is that having anxiety or panic attacks does not make you a "weirdo" or not normal but I know that you can often feel this way.
If your anxiety is ever getting you down do something that makes you happy !

I really hope that something in this post could help somebody. Mental health is an important topic especially with young people and I feel its important that everybody tries to understand it because you never know who is affected by a mental health issue it could be a friend, a family member, a classmate or a neighbour. It is so important that people have a positive attitude !

Below are a few useful links and websites. Thank you for reading !
                                                                                                               Abby x

I recommend the App Headspace from the app store !

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